This small figure representing a Scottish Chieftain is based on an original figure in the Valhalla collection in Tresco. The figure was originally thought to have come from a vessel named the Chieftain, wrecked off Hard Lewis in 1856. The Lloyds register for 1855 lists nine ships of that name. The following year two were struck from the register, one a Barque of 795 tons (too large for such a figure). And a barque of 310 tons which was built in the Scilly Isles for Banfield and Co in 1846. She traded between London and Sydney. The fact that she was struck from the list suggests that she was either wrecked or broken up in that year. As Scilly was her home port, It would make sense that the figure remained there.
Another possibility is the Gilmore, wrecked at Hard Lewis exactly ten years later in 1866. In the same year another vessel named Chieftain was also struck from the Lloyds register. This schooner of 192 tons was built at Garmouth on the banks of the river Spey, on the east coast of Scotland in 1862. This represents the perfect size of vessel for a figure of this size. She traded between Garmouth and the Mediterranean, so would pass the Scilly Isles, it is not known if she was wrecked there. but the figure would suite such a vessel. This figure has now been sold but to carve something similar would cost approx £5,500