The term derives from ‘Tafel’ meaning table and tafe’reel in Dutch denotes a scene. A tafferel is therefore a scene or carving that decorates the stern of a ship. However, the decorated area whose centrepiece is reserved for an emblem depicting the provinance of the ship or figurative representation of her name, is best described as the ‘Great Board’. This term is a Swedish definition for the area below the tafferel proper, as seen on ships mainly from the 1600’s.
Maritima provides a service of designing ship decoration such as tafferels, for replica ships with ornamentation to suite its application on naval or merchant vessels, in compositions that are authentic to a particular nation and period in history. In addition to which, new designs in contemporary forms can be commissioned to compliment the yachts of today. Please make contact to discuss your requirements, a glimpse of an idea can become a reality.
Stern carvings to the tafferel of the replica Swedish East Indiaman Gotheborg of 1738. The emblem of the S.O.I.C. forms the centrepiece, with nerieds to either side. Further carvings will follow to form the quarter pieces.